
I am looking for some backup software so I can keep a mirror of my laptop externally. I downloaded some random program on c-net called FBackup, and it's not working...much at all. Can anyone point me in the direction of a good program? I am blind, lost, and wandering through a web of over stimulation.

and just to top off the off topic post...look at this amazingness. I can't even begin to express my joy when I look at this : Honduran white bat


The necklace above was finished last week.... I am so bad about posting. The embroidery at the bottom I just finished today. I don't feel much like writing about everything... I will just say that the bottom one is a self portrait, going along with the theme of severance. 2nd piece in that stream of thought.



I love it when I am making something and on the way to the end, more designs come out of it. It's like making babies...kind of.

This shot is where I am as of tonight. I need to spend a little more time in the studio. I've been slacking a little lately. I have been doing embroidery every day, but the metal work...well I haven't really done anything before tonight since easter (when I finished the sunset necklace). That was a bit of an ordeal though...and the break was nice. Time to get back to work!

I'll be sending in my application tomorrow for the Art For The Cash Poor art sale. It will be held at the Crane Arts Building - 1400 N. American St. in Northern Liberties. The dates are Saturday and Sunday, June 13-14th...1-6pm. I hope I get in.....I hope I sell stuff...I hope I AT LEAST break even.

OK...sleep "early" tonight. Dentist appointment in the morning.


I've been mostly without internet for the past 5 days or so, and it's been a little bit of a set back. I completed the sunset neclace on Sunday. I've decided to call it Personal Sunset. Imedietly after, I began to embroider one of my recent self portraits. I've deemed it an experiment, as there are some things about it that I don't like. I don't think I will turn it into a piece of jewelry, but I might frame it. I'm going to look for a frame today, and will post it when I have completed it. I'm feeling fairly motivated to MAKE today.
Today is lecture at SOFA. I wish I realized that it was on a day that I had off. I only just noticed it was on a Thursday about an hour ago. Poo. Well I hope someone I know goes to it, and I hear a review of the lecture. I wish I had a tape recorder when Elisabeth conducted the interview. Oh well.


I didn't have that much energy to work on this tonight. I had to do a little bit of repair to a different necklace...go out to dinner with Geniva, show her to use some equipment in my studio, and how to go about feeding my cats. If you are reading this Gen, thanks again for looking after my babies.
I can't believe it's 1:30am already. I might have worked more on this if the next step wasn't a crap ton of hammering. Don't need to wake up the neighbors. Boo. I'm going to get this finished up on Sunday and post final shots then.
Off to pack for a couple days of loafing in New Jersey!


I lied again. I am really liking the way this thing is turning out...so I AM posting progress shots.

I had another image..but this stupid applet isn't getting it. Maybe I can try again later.


o.k. I lied. Last night after that post, a shower, and some dinner, the motivation/inspiration faerie came and gave me a swift kick in the rear. (She had quite a lot of work to do motivating AND inspiring). I started on an embroidery of a sunset and skyline. I will then make a silver skyline to put over top that, dome the whole piece, and set it. I'm not sure if it will be a brooch or a necklace yet. It looks super purty though..and it feels really good do do some embroidering again! I'm not posting any in progress shots..but I'm sure it won't take long to finish :)


My brain is all over the place. I haven't been doing any brainstorming on the Inferno series lately. The past day or two I've been thinking about embroidery. I think I'm going to do a small embroidery and turn it into a brooch. Yea yea yea...brooches. I have to decide what I will be embroidering though. I've done a bunch of self portraits...maybe I'll do something with those. Maybe I will just do the inferno like that rather than enamel them. Bah.
I've just been kind of wanting to make something but not wanting to make something that isn't going to be awesome but not having awesome ideas. longest run on sentence ever.